It is called advanced manufacturing, or the 4th industrial revolution, the changes promoted by new technologies that will transform industry throughout the 21st century. Experts believe that the very notion of what we now know as a "factory" will have to be redefined.
The trend points towards flexible, sustainable and ergonomically developed plants to "serve" man and meet consumer and society expectations. Among the opportunities generated by this new technological frontier are: increased productivity, cost reduction, energy savings, increased safety, environmental conservation, error reduction, end of waste, transparency in business, increased quality of life and customization of offer on an unprecedented scale.
It is through this vision that we created the Han 3D company, with the aim of offering industries and people new ways and new concepts in product development.
We aim to develop, create, scan and print unique designs for your concept due to the wide range of possibilities of 3D printing. Our initial technologies are, FDM (or FFF) and SLA, printing materials such as (PLA, ABS, TPU, PVA, PA, PC, WOOD, COMBO, PC Alloys, Carbon Fiber - Filled , Metal Filled, Fiberglass Filled, ASA, PETG, ESD-Safe, HIPS, Nylon and others), also High Performance Polymers such as (PEEK, PEKK, ULTEM, PPSU, PA/CF among others) and photosensitive resins.